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Subconscious Mind Affirmations

20 subconscious mind affirmations you can fall asleep or meditate to. Reprogram your brain using the Law of Attraction for peace and success using these positive affirmations.

I have unlimited energy
I am enough
I have the power to master this day
I radiate intelligent energy
My mind will find the answer
I am worthy
Every day, I get better
My mind is magnetic, and I attract only the best for myself
From the time I wake up, I attract goodness and success
I can and I will
I bend reality to my will
I attract only the best for me
I have the power to create my best life
I am the master of my destiny
I love myself unconditionally
I trust my path
The Universe helps me succeed
I walk the path of goodness and success
I am surrounded by love and warmth
The Universe loves me